INFO: the registrations are closed!!!
The European ORZEL (http://www.orzel-project.com) project and the Groupe de Recherches (GDR) Organic Electronics from CNRS (www.gdr-electronique-organique.fr/) put their efforts in common to back the organization of the SYNOHE workshop in Annecy next early December.
All of us involved in hybrid and organic electronics field know it is crucial to fully investigate the structural and dynamic properties of key materials because of their strong correlations with the (opto)-electronic transport properties.
The roles of order/disorder, of the anisotropy, of the heterogeneity in composition or in structure to cite only some aspects have to be described in details. Different length scales and time scales have to be spanned to obtain a large view of these systems which may reveal as complex and difficult to be fully controlled during their synthesis and processing.
To perform these studies many techniques exist and among them we would like, during SYNOHE, to show how the techniques available in synchrotron and neutron facilities can offer powerful tools to explore these materials at different pertinent scales.
This two full days (4th and 5th of December 2017) workshop will focus on well-known techniques which are currently used to investigate materials for organic and hybrid electronics, and also we will try to introduce some others which are worth to be considered.
SYNOHE will be as much as possible a place reserved to a non-specialist audience with a schedule and a proximity permitting exchanges with the more specialized lecturers.
We are inviting you to subscribe as soon as possible by using the dedicated link (see "Important dates and registration" tab). We are looking forward to see you at this workshop!
With our best regards,
The organizing committee:
Dr. Stéphanie Pouget, Dr. Jérôme Faure-Vincent, Charles Picot, Joëlle Paparella and Dr. David Djurado
(INAC, CEA and CNRS Grenoble)